Tuesday 31 March 2015

Intaver Institute Announced New Webinars

March 30, 2015 Intaver Institute Announced New Webinars Intaver Institute announced the following new webinars: •Project Risk Management in Oil and Gas Industry: Why Now - April 21, 2015 •Managing Project Risks: Why, When and How - May 5, 2015 •Analyzing and Managing Risks in Project Portfolios: An Introduction to Portfolio Risk Analysis - July 7, 2015 For more information and to register for webinars please click here: http://www.intaver.com/index-webinars.html

Petroglyph - new Intaver Institute's partner

March 26, 2015 Petroglyph - new Intaver Institute's partner Petroglyph represents a commitment to empowering project teams in driving projects to success through the application of robust project controls systems, processes and tools. Petroglyph believes that the foundation to success in all projects is an effective and aligned project team using sound project controls processes, proven methods and tools, and a solid approach. Petroglyph uses both industry-leading risk modeling tools such as RiskyProject, as well as experienced risk facilitators to ensure our clients have successful, meaningful and tangible risk workshop results. Petroglyph approach is to engage the project team in a collaborative approach to understand and extract relevant risk events and duration uncertainty to build the best model possible. Petroglyph focus is on quantitative risk assessments to provide our clients with an understanding of the impacts of risks and opportunities to their project's cost and schedule. For more information about Petroglyph please visit web site: www.Petroglyph.ca. www.

Sunday 29 March 2015

RiskyProject - Minor Software Release

March 26, 2015 RiskyProject - Minor Software Release Intaver Institute has released RiskyProject for the Lite, Professional and Enterprise versions. RiskyProject is a minor software release and includes fixes of few minor issues. RiskyProject Enterprise allows saving data for individual tasks in the database, which is required for reporting and integration with other project management software. If you use RiskyProject 6.0 and earlier and looking to increase performance on Monte Carlo simulations, we recommend you to upgrade your software to RiskyProject http://www.intaver.com/index-news.html

Sunday 22 March 2015

New Intaver Institute's White Paper

March 19, 2015 New Intaver Institute's White Paper Intaver Institute published new white paper: Did Oswald Have a Chance to Kill The President? A Project Risk Analysis Perspective. To demonstrate how to use quantitative project risk analysis, we decided to use a well-known historical event, the assignation of U.S. President John Kennedy. We are trying to determine the chance that Oswald could complete his project – the assassination of President Kennedy - as it actually occurred. We do not claim to possess exact information especially with regards to the probabilities and impacts of certain risks; and therefore, cannot give a definite answer from the historical point of view. This example is only intended to illustrate project risk analysis methodology. http://www.intaver.com/Articles/Article_ProjectRiskAnalysisExample.pdf

Saturday 7 March 2015

Managing integrated project schedules

February 17, 2015 Managing integrated project schedules RiskyProject 6.1.2 improved analysis of integrated project schedules. Integrated project schedules have multiple individual project schedules linked with each other. RiskyProject 6.1.2 supports unlimited number of links between any tasks any projects. Integrated project schedules are created in Microsoft Project and other project management software. RiskyProject generates equivalent consolidated project schedule during import data from third-party project management software. In RiskyProject 6.1.2 this process is very fast and does not require any user input. For more information about integrated project schedule please contact Intaver Institute. http://intaver.com/index-contacts.html

Next Intaver Institute Webinar

March 3, 2015 Next Intaver Institute Webinar Next Intaver Institute webinar "Optimizing your Monte Carlo simulations in RiskyProject" will be held Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM MST (UTC-07:00) Cost and schedule risk analysis are becoming a more frequent contractual requirement in many programs. On large projects this can be a frustrating and time consuming process and the results are often hard to communicate. In this webinar, you will learn how to streamline you risk analysis and communicate the results. You will learn: how many iterations to run what convergence monitoring is and how it can speed up your analysis how to streamline your data for schedule risk analysis in Microsoft Project how to communicate the analysis using histogram, cumulative probability, and tornado diagrams To register for webinar please Click here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/118772059;jsessionid=abctbA5V8z3fCfLUBP0Vu To get more information please Click here: http://www.intaver.com/index-webinars.html