Saturday 10 January 2015

RiskyProject 6.1.2 - Minor Software Release

January 9, 2015 RiskyProject 6.1.2 - Minor Software Release Intaver Institute has released RiskyProject 6.1.2 for the Lite, Professional and Enterprise versions. RiskyProject 6.1.2 is a minor software release and includes performance improvements as well as fixes of a few minor issues. RiskyProject 6.1.2 is optimized to run multiple Monte Carlo simulations on remote servers. Monte Carlo simulation performance has been increased by up to 900% compared to RiskyProject 6 and up to 80% compared to RiskyProject 6.1. If you use RiskyProject 6.0 and earlier and looking to increase performance on Monte Carlo simulations, we recommend you upgrade your software to RiskyProject 6.1.2. For more information visit: